Sunday, 4 March 2012

Sonik Kicks full review

So I done a review on my very first listen to the album. It will be interesting what if anything has changed. I have been listening to the album nearly none stop, I have tried not to over listen but I can't help it.So here goes review number 2

Good start to the album and a song I never skip over. It has an interesting feel and the spoken work section really does work. The song has grown to me. It has effects of pretty green on it. Really does set the album up but if this song is not your cup of tea this is not how he rest of the album sounds. It is the most out there piece on sonik kicks by far.

The attic
A future single definitely. I love it, it has cathy lyrics and the melody is really good. It is a simple on song but works so well.

Kling I Klang
Again works well with the first three songs. It has a bit of a kinks feel to the song and has grown on me a lot. Played with the volume turned up you find yourself singing along very easily. Again like the attic it has a very cathy melody that stays in he head all day.

By the waters
Loverly acoustic number. Great old style weller song. A song that wake up the nation really missed. A song that as soon as you hear it you think of the summer and just want to pick up an acoustic guitar

That dangerous age
Really grown on me. On my first listen it sounded like a song on the album I would just skip. I still think that it would be better as a guitar numbe but a English soul number is equally as good.

Study in blue
I'mjust going to say just beautiful by far the standout song on the album


Probably the most improved with listen. Not the most catchy number but with an experimental thing about it. Still only feel its an album track but listenable

When your gardens overgrown
Kinks feel catchy melody and catchy words. A fantastic around sond. Not sure if single material but is my faviourite song on the album. It is a song that provides many images in my brain. The words are very much a story and I think it's fab.

Around the lake
Good song but not sure where it really fits on the album. A song I really liked on first listen but I do tend to skip the track at times. But if played loud it does have some great effects and the best song on the album to 'have it'

Dull and drifts on. I really not sure why this is on the album. Lyrics are blended in with the song. I just don't like the track may improve with time.

Great around song. Bobs along and you can tell that the song was written around a drum beat but both parts of the song work well together. The jam at the end reminds me a bit of whirlpools end. It certainly has the same impact as that song.

Be happy children
Fab just listen to it and it shows how much his family and children mean to him. And a fantastic way to end the album

My view of the album I don't believe has changed that much. The standout tracks for me are garden, be happy children and study in blue. But the album is a really fantastic album. It does feel like a more condensed 22 dreams. There are 4 distinct parts of the album 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-14. Overall this album is less experimental than wake up the nation and 22 dreams and for that it becomes a better album for it. The lyrics are much stonger on this album than any since heliocentric. So a terrific album and there is some thing for everyone. It is an album that needs to be listened as an album. Give it a chance and give it a go, because trust me you will enjoy the journey

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