Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Sonik Kicks First Listen Review

Sonik Kicks First Listen Review

This is the truly the first time I have listen to the album. I am writing the review as I am listening for the first time. I am interested what I feel the first time I listen to the album compared to how I will feel in a couple of weeks time. Sorry if the wording is a bit off, but as I said it is a live review (how exciting). I have to say I am quite excited about this listen.

So here goes
I present to you


Some people have described it as a bit like pop art poem in how it is written. I think this sounds fantastic and fresh a really great feel about the album. Does the spoken bit work I don't really know yet. But sounds alright to me even in a broad London accent. Sounds like the end part of 22 Dreams and the pushed boundaries of Wake Up The Nation.

8/10-A great start to the album.

The Attic
A single right here. It is quite commercial sounding. His voice really suits the sound. The words again a bit weak but again simple makes it very catchy song. I really like it

9/10-Should be a single

Kling I Klang
Another where the music and his voice go very well together. I think after the past few albums I am ready for this album. I think if this has been released after As is Now it would have freaked me out very much so. Strong sounding Jam baseline and could have been found on the gift with a bit of Trans Global Express baseline.

7/10-First three songs go really well together.

Sleep of the Serene
Sounds like an experimental number that for me did not really have to be there. After the past paced songs of the start it does seem to slow it down. This could be in anticipation of the next part of the album. I guess I'm about the find out.

By the Walters 
Well the acoustic sound proves that Sleep in the Serene was transferring you to the next song like an elevator. The starting chords of this song sounds like illumination. It sounds like a proper acoustic song that I felt Wake Up the Nation lacked. The song for me sounds great I just love it on my first listen.

10/10- The acoustic song that I have been waiting for a few years for. A great song well written and proper Weller classic.

That Dangerous age
Having heard this song before I feel like I'm cheating. I like the song. But I did prefer the live version. I do feel this is a bit over produced, but I guess this does give the live song a different feel.
7/10- Prefer the live version but another catchy song

Study in blue
Like by the Walters it slows the album down well but is again a beautifully written song that takes you back to Stanley road and especially the song Time Passes. The end again mixes things up but does not really add much to the song, but also does not take to much away either. I can't emphasise how beautiful the start of the song is though.

9/10- Reminds me of Time Passes a proper songwriters song

Bowie literally is coming out at you from this song. This has an early 70's feel about it, the effects on the voice just seems to be part of the music and work as one. I think this is a bit out there and my lose some people in the middle of the album. A good solid song but not the most memorable.

6/10- Good album track

When Your Gardens Overgrown
I like it. It bounces along and I feel myself humming along straight away. This is the least produced song so far. It has a very raw sound to it that makes it feel very refreshing. Great acoustic backdrop seems to give it more emphasis and you can imagine yourself listen to it with your shades on, and the sun shining down.

8/10- Reminds me of a summer day

Around the Lake
Having heard this song before I have to say I think it's great. It's raw powerful and has everything that I feel That Dangerous Age should have. You can turn this up to full power on your stereo and really 'have it'. You can even hear a bit of Hawkwind in there in places (Never thought I would say that about a Weller Song)

9/10- Have It!!!!!

Weird and had not even realised it had been played as I thought it was the end of Around the Lake.

Title does sound like the song. Like dragonfly it does just seem to drift on without a change in gear. It really needs a push to the tune at some point. A lot of affects that drown out the voice. But for me better than dragonfly, with a lovely clean guitar in the middle part..  A mid Beatles song that would have fit on revolver perfectly.

7/10- Drifters on

Paperchase plods on well at the start. It has a similar feel to Drifters but is so much better. It sounds more complete and rounded. The instruments used complement the voice and push the voice as the main focus of the song. The strings on the song at the end give a ghostly feel to the song and reminds me very much of The Style Council. And then it just stops, fantastic ending.

8/10- Ghostly and fantastically produced

Be Happy Children
I can see how people have compared the song to Moon on your Pyjamas but this is so much better. Like his children this is a song of hope and life. A soft song and show the love of his children. This song reminds me more of I Should have been there to Inspire you off Heavy soul. But instead of looking back, looking forward in a positive way. A great positive way to end the album. Wow.

9/10- Classic ending of the album, as close as Weller gets to write a ballad


I was expecting it to be weirder. From hearing comments from people I was expecting it to lose me. But instead the album sounds complete and an album for now. For me a much better album than Wake Up the Nation. It feels more complete than WUTN. Seems more complete and the sounds all rounded. I love having some new acoustic tracks in there as well.

What I say to people is dont be scared of the album before you have listened to it. Have an open mind and there is something in the album from every Paul Weller period including his solo stuff.

9/10- Fantastic again Mr Weller

Follow me on twitter @ashesmod
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