Redkanpp: The man who sacked himself.
Harry as we know loves talking about one subject Harry. He was a man that at every occasion would wind his window down and talk to who ever he could from the press. Sometimes on the occasion of the VDV signing it made him look like a fool. Other times he used the press to further his career in the case of England. But what Harry did not expect to do was get himself the sack.
This all started when Capello was sacked. Any normal manager would have kept quiet about the job. Even signed the contract that Tottenham pushed infront of him. This is because whether Harry had a year left or 3 years left he would have gone to England. Spurs would not have stopped him and England would have wanted to get their man. But Harry takes another view and speaks publicly about how difficult it would be to turn down. This basically says I want it and will leave. This shows disrespect the fans and to the board.
Redkanpp had never taken the club to heart and saw the spurs manager job as what it is a job. But as a fan this club is in my heart and sink or swim i would follow this club through anything. Always describing the fans as 'them' certainly never helped him. But like most fans I am always happy to win games and the start of the season through to January i was not complaining. Problems always occur when you don't win games and this is when things started to turn for Harry. He was trying to get another job in his eyes a promotion while failing at the job he was doing. (never a good idea). As the pressure started to build the backtracking started and in the end the England job was given to someone else.
Harry knows that he has created a position that he cant get out of. He is Tottenham manager but knows his time is probably up. By refusing a contract he is aware Tottenham have sounded out there new manager. So he does what he alway does and mouth of too the press. Except this time he has choosen the wrong time. He decides to go on TV the day after the chairmans mother has died. This i feel is his biggest mistake. I think he may have by the skin of his teeth held on to the job. But the chairman was never going to step down to Harry now.
Th rest we know is history. And the statement he made when people though he reigned was pure Harry 'Why should I resign'. This was not a man saying i'm staying this is a man saying I want a pay off.
As a Spurs fan it was fantastic and frustrating having him in charge. But if Harry looks back he will realise he gave the club no option but to hand him his P45, and probably and nice pay off.
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