Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Why is it so difficult? To get what you ordered

Why is it so difficult to get something you have ordered? I will take you back. Over a week ago me and my wife went to a guitar store to order me a mandolin. I know not a proper guitar. I know it's tuned like a violin. I know it sounds very pompous but hey that's me. Now this guitar shop was not in the best place in the world but it's a great guitar shop. So back to the story we walk in as you do ( they would not have been happy with me driving my car in plus there was not room the place was full of guitars) and we had a look at the mandolins. I also walked out with a new amp but that's going of the subject. So I sick down and some kid comes up to me talking crap. He talked about certain mandolins and how great they were (they were shit) and how I should get this and that but when asked a straight question like how well does it keep it tunes could not answer a god dam thing. So anyway he tried to talk me into buying a certain type which I had already decided not to buy and go for something else. As they had none of these in stock I had to order it what a surprise why do they never and the good guitars in stock. They took a 'full deposit' or what I like to call payment for my guitar from me and said it would arrive in the next few days and they will give me a call (as you do). So I skip out of the shop (there was no skipping as the amp was bloody heavy) and got to my car(which in the neighbour hood I was in was lucky in itself).

A week goes by I'm working as hard as I can and decide it's been long enough so I will give them a call. Ring ring, ring ring (the phone not me) I speak to another degenerate on the end of the line who assures me that everything is fine and the order will be in shortly (WRONG). Unhappy but accepting as they have my money I carry on with the general labour of the day. Only to find at the end of the day a message on my answer phone can I get in contact. So again ring ring ring ring (this time it was me as they were engaged). They inform me that the company does not make this mandolin anymore. So the bloody stupid idiots have taken my money to order me something not made anymore. Some how I've been the unlucky person that has ordered this product in between making them and not making them. My order must have happened when the manager has gone "fuck let's stop making these". So it's like me selling a holiday to go and see an extinct animal. Amazingly they do make a different type ( not really a surprise as most guitar companies would go out of business only making one type). So he will order that for me.

So I'm still waiting.


The end

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