Sunday, 19 February 2012

Football Fan vs Players

As a Tottenham fan i am writing this with a wry smile on my face but after watching Arsenal yesterday i did for the first time feel sorry for the fans of Arsenal. I then go on twitter and a fan of the said Arsenal team in Piers Morgan is being targeted by one of Arsenals own players for him not being a true fan!!!! What do players expect from a fan?

How do i class myself as a Tottenham fan instead of just a passing interest. This for me lies in the passion in my heart.
Do i go to every game? No.
Do i buy the new kit every year? No.
Does this make me less of a fan? No.
Every single game that my team plays i want them to win. A passion inside me fires up, butterflies lay in my stomach buzzing round for hours before the game. It is a passion that gets me from Monday to Friday through work. It is part of me, it makes me the person i am. Yes thousands of other people support my club and feel the same way. I am part of that group but also this love for my team makes me unique with all the other interests i have in this thing we call life.

With the passion in their heart every football fan has the right to their opinion. To argue a case everyone in the western world has a right to free speech. They can criticise their manager, they can criticise their players. As every football fan will tell you, players can decide on clubs, can go where the money is, and can leave for a more successful teams. Where as as a football fan your club finds you, and you can never leave that club for any amount of success or money, that club is the one single thing, that gets your heart pumping on a saturday morning.

Twitter has made it more accessible for players to read and respond to these comments than in the old times, when this was said down a boozer (pub for you americans) . But for Frimpong to complain of Piers Morgan for daring to criticise Arsenal is pathetic. Arsenal this season have been below par and all of their fans have the right to demand more from every single aspect of the club (bar Van Persie). Watching Arsenal vs Sunderland I could see that the players lacked passion that the fans deserve every week.

Does change need to happen, I cannot say, but companies that do not move with the times fail. Examples over the past few years have been Woolworths and high street chains like HMV. Is football any different i think not.

I like Piers Morgans passion for the game, and of his his beloved Arsenal. During this period it shows him as a true fan just like me. He will defend his team through thick and thin to others, but deep in his heart he tells the truth. He is a true football fan, a man of passion for the team he loves.

So Mr Frimpong when you dare to criticise the opinion of a fan football fan just think how hard it is for us. You lose you take £50,000 a week back to dry your tears, us football fans just have the passion of our heart and that of the cold side of the pillow.

What do think make a comment
follow me on twitter @ashesmod

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic piece. Very rarely will I say that about an article that, in effect, defends Piers Morgan, but this one has just enough substance to be forgiven for it. Keep up the good work, and COYS!
